• Tax Sale is held in accordance with Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo). The statutes are available via the internet at
  • All lands and lots on which taxes are delinquent and unpaid are subject to sale at public auction. In Douglas County, a property must be delinquent three (3) years before it is offered at a delinquent tax sale.
  • The tax sale is held annually on the fourth Monday in August commencing at 10:00 AM at the North Door of the Douglas County Courthouse, Ava, Missouri.
  • Delinquent taxes with penalty, interest and costs may be paid to the County Collector at any time before 10:00 a.m. on the sale date to prevent property from selling.
  • The list of properties subject to sale is published in the newspaper for three consecutive weeks prior to the sale. The list is also available in the Collector’s office during regular office hours.
  • The sale is conducted by the Collector. On First, Second and Third Offerings bidding begins for the amount of taxes, penalties and cost of sale. If the parcel is in the City limits, there may also be City taxes and fees.
  • Parcels being offered for the subsequent to third time will be sold in accordance with section 140.260.8 Revised Statutes of Missouri.
  • Purchaser must be present to bid.
  • Purchaser must sign and have notarized an affidavit stating that he/she is not currently delinquent on any tax payments on any property. Failure to sign such affidavit, as well as signing a false affidavit, may invalidate the property purchase. Affidavits are available at the Collector’s office prior to the tax sale and must include a valid driver’s license or other government issued ID.
  • The total purchase price must be paid to the Collector’s office no later than 3:00 p.m. on the date of the sale. Cashier’s check, personal check, cash or money orders are accepted.
  • Failure to pay the amount bid will result in a 25% penalty of the bid amount plus a Prosecuting Attorney fee. (Section 140.280 RSMo).
  • Non residents of Missouri wishing to bid at the sale must execute a Designation of Resident Agent form and the resident agent must execute an Agent Appointment Acceptance form prior to the sale.
  • The Collector issues, records, and mails a Certificate of Purchase to the purchaser. The Certificate of Purchase must be retained to be surrendered if the property is redeemed or a Collector’s Deed is issued.
  • After the statutory period of redemption has passed, the holder of a Tax Certificate may request a Collector’s Deed. The requirements of Chapter 140 RSMo must be fulfilled before a Deed will be issued. An executed affidavit must also be submitted before a deed will be issued.
  • Property liens against the property are not extinguished at the time of sale or during any period of redemption.

For additional information, please contact the Douglas County Collector's Office.